Health Benefits of Curry Leaves

Health benefits of Curry Leaves -
The curry leaves are curry tree foliage (Murraya koenigii). This tree is native to India, and its leaves are used for culinary and medicinal applications. They are strongly aromatic and have a distinctive fragrance of citrus notes
Curry leaves are not the same as curry powder, but they are frequently added to this common spice mixture and popularly used in cooking to add flavor to dishes such as curries, rice dishes, and dals.
Aside from being a versatile culinary herb, the powerful plant compounds they contain offer an abundance of health benefits.
Here are 9 impressive advantages and curry leaves usages.
1. Rich in potent compounds of plants
Curry leaves are rich in protective plant substances, such as alkaloids , glycosides, and phenolic compounds, which provide amazing health benefits of Curry Leaves.
Research has shown that the curry leaves contain many compounds, including linalol, alpha-terpinene, myrcene, mahanimbine, caryophyllene, murrayanol and alpha-pinene.
Many of those compounds work in your body as antioxidants. Antioxidants play an important role of maintaining the body healthy and disease-free.
We scavenge potentially dangerous substances called free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, a disorder associated with the development of chronic diseases.
In several studies, curry leaf extract has been shown to give potent antioxidant effects.
For example , a study in rats found that oral treatment with an antioxidant-rich curry leaf extract protected against drug-induced stomach damage and reduced oxidative stress markers relative to a placebo group
Other animal studies have shown that curry leaf extract may help protect the nervous system, heart , brain and kidneys from induced oxidative damage.
Bear in mind that human work is incomplete into the antioxidant activity of curry leaves. There is no question, however, that curry leaves are filled with plant compounds which can help to promote optimal health through the consumption of powerful antioxidant protection.

Curry leaves -

2. Could reduce risk factors for heart disease
Risk factors such as high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides could increase your risk of developing heart disease. Incorporating curry leaves into your diet may help to reduce some of these risk factors.
Research shows that consuming curry leaves can in several ways benefit the heart health. Animal studies , for example, have found that curry leaf extract can help to reduce high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
A 2-week analysis in rats with high-fat-diet-induced obesity found that oral treatment with a curry leaf extract of 136 mg per pound (300 mg per kg) of body weight per day dramatically decreased cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Such findings were consistent with the significant volume of an alkaloid in the leaves called mahanimbine
Mahanimbine avoided diet-induced risks such as elevated blood lipids, fat aggregation, inflammation, and oxidative stress — all of which may raise the risk of heart disease in another 12-week test of mice on a high fat diet.
Many laboratory tests have also shown that extract of curry leaf reduces cholesterol levels.
While those findings are promising, there is a lack of human research. To validate this possible advantage of curry leaves, further studies are needed for that cause.
3. Can possess neuroprotective properties
Some research has shown that curry leaves can help to protect your nervous system 's health including your brain.
Alzheimer's disease is a chronic disorder of the brain marked by neuron death and oxidative stress symptoms
Studies have shown that curry leaves contain substances which could help protect against neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.
A mice study found that oral treatment with high doses of curry leaf extract improved levels of antioxidants that protected the brain, including glutathione peroxidase ( GPx), glutathione reductase (GRD), and superoxide dismutase ( SOD), in brain cells
The extract also reduced the amount of oxidative damage in brain cells, and the enzymes associated with the progression of Alzheimer's disease
Another study showed that oral curry leaf extract treatment improved memory scores for 15 days in both young and older mice with induced dementia
Bear in mind that human work is incomplete in this field, and further experiments are needed before meaningful conclusions can be made.
4. May have side effects on cancer
Curry leaves contain strong anticancer compounds.
A test-tube analysis involving three curry extract samples from curry leaves grown at various locations in Malaysia showed that they all displayed potent anticancer effects and prevented the development of an active form of breast cancer.
Another study of the test tube found that curry leaf extract altered the growth of two types of breast cancer cells and decreased the viability of the cells. The extract also induced death of cells with breast cancer.
Curry leaf extract has also been found to be toxic to cervical cancer cells in test tube research
In one study, oral administration of curry leaf extract in mice with breast cancer reduced tumor growth and inhibited the spread of cancer cells to the lungs.
Moreover, test-tube studies indicate that an alkaloid compound called girinimbine in curry leaves induces death in colon cancer cells.
Researchers attribute these potent anti-cancer effects to the antioxidants in curry leaves, including quercetin, catechin, rutin, and gallic acid , besides girinimbine.
While it is clear that curry leaves contain compounds which have the potential to combat certain cancer cells, research is needed on their effectiveness in humans.

5–8. Other advantages
In addition to the above listed possible advantages, curry leaves will support health in the following ways:
Beneficial for controlling blood sugar. Animal research has shown that curry leaf extract can help lower elevated blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes-related symptoms including nerve pain and damage to the kidneys
May have the properties of pain relievers. Study on rats has shown that oral curry extract administration greatly decreases caused pain.
Is anti-inflammatory. The curry leaves contain a wide range of anti-inflammatory compounds and animal studies have shown that curry leaf extract can help reduce inflammation-related genes and proteins
Provides antimicrobial properties. A test-tube study found that curry leaf extract was inhibiting the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, including Corynebacterium tuberculosis and Streptococcus pyogenes.
This should be remembered that these advantages have been seen in test tube or animal testing. Future human research is needed to underpin these potential benefits.
The Bottom Line
Not only are curry leaves incredibly flavourful but they are also filled with beneficial plant compounds that can help your wellbeing in several ways.
Research has shown that consuming them can help your body improve its antioxidant defenses. Doing this will also fight cancer cells, reduce risk factors for heart disease and maintain neurological wellbeing.
The best thing is that curry leaves can be added to a wide variety of recipes to improve both the meals' taste and health benefits.
